About The Snarky History Nerd

On a good day, life can be overwhelming and the world seems dark and depressing. It is easy to get sucked into the negativity. As someone who battles mental health issues on a daily basis, finding an escape is crucial to my sanity. That is what the Snarky History Nerd provides.

Don’t Worry. I am getting off my Soap Box and on to what the Snarky History Nerd Blog is really about. 

This blog focuses on Medieval European history. The purpose is to educate and entertain the readers by delving into different topics in Medieval European History with a comedic lens. Some posts may be a simple overview or as I like to call it, the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) Edition. Others may delve deeper into a moment or person or theme. There will definitely be some “Top X Lists” (because those are always fun) and some opinion pieces that will be very feminist. They will always be funny because a lot of times, if you don’t laugh, you will cry. 

Beyond the sheer enjoyment of being snarky about history, the goal is to make history more accessible and enjoyable to everyone (18+ because I curse A LOT). Too often, the history you learn in school is just about dates and names that you need to memorize and the important lessons and stories get lost. You can learn more about why history is important by clicking the “Read More” button, which will take you to my first ever post.